Mercury Collector
Item | Design |
Einheit Stück
Price Euro* |
Buy |
52090 | Quecksilbersammler | 1 | 69.00 | |
52091 | Ersatz-Schaumstoff-Schwamm | 12 | 139.00 |
Product specification
The THOMAPLAST®-mercury collector made of polyethylene is used for disposal of small spilled quantities of mercury. It consists of a polyethylene jar with a perforated inner disk, a screw closure and a pad made of foamed plastic attached to the cover. When slightly pressed on the spilled mercury, the pores of the pad adhered to cover of the collection jar open and absorb the mercury drops. Pressure release closes the pad pores until the cover is screwed back on the collection jar. The mercury drops out of the pad through the perforated disk into the collection jar. The device serves the health of the coworkers, but also helps to save expensive mercury.
Item | Image | Design |
Einheit Stück
Price Euro* |
Buy |
52090 |
Quecksilbersammler | 1 | 69.00 | |
52091 |
Ersatz-Schaumstoff-Schwamm | 12 | 139.00 |
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